Welcome to St. Gilbert of Sempringham C of E Primary School & Nursery......Sow Seeds: Grow Together: Reach High

New Starters-Reception Intake September 2024

Reception Intake 2024
We look forward to welcoming all of the children who will be starting school in September.
'Starting school is an exciting and daunting time for both children and parents'. 
We understand that some children (and parents!) will find the transition into school a little bit trickier than others and it is our aim to support you through the process with additional visits into school prior to starting if you feel this would be of benefit.
Before arranging this, we would ask that as a first step you and your child visit us for the open classroom session so that you can both begin to become familiar with the learning environment and the wider school team, whilst allowing the opportunity for an informal discussion about transition. 
Transition into School
During the summer term, Mrs Markley will be making arrangements to visit any external nursery provisions that children currently attend to give opportunity to meet and observe the child in a setting they are familiar with as well as have a chat with their key person, to ensure transition into school is as smooth as possible.  These visits will be taking place following the May half term.
For those children accessing our School nursery provision, they will have the opportunity to visit the current reception children in their class for further shared learning experiences.
Key Dates
Below is a  list of key dates, including: parents information evening, visits into school for your child and the date that school starts in September.
New Parent Welcome Meeting: 13th June  4pm (Please find below a copy of the information shared at the welcome meeting).
Monday 24th June: Stay and play 9:30-11:30
Thursday 4th July: Stay and play 10:30-11:30am
September Start Date Wednesday 4th September 2024
What we will be learning?
Each half term we will have a different topic. The children's learning and activities will be linked to these topics, providing them with opportunity to investigate and explore various themes. This will take the form of a mix between direct adult led activities and child led learning and learning through play. 
Below is the curriculum overview and our termly topic overviews. 
Take a look at our 'Learning in Action!'
Learning to Read
Developing a love of reading in children is a great way to encourage the development of many skills and enhances children's love for learning throughout their life. 
In class, we share many stories with children that interest them - anything from dinosaurs to princesses! 
Every Friday, your child can choose a book from our book shelf to take home. This is for you to share with your child, it is not for them to read. 
During phonics we will be using the 'Read Write Inc' scheme. This gives children a fantastic start to their reading journey. Below are a selection of links to videos that introduce phonics and 'Read Write  Inc' as well as showing how you can support your child at home.
Useful Links/Resources
Below are a series of links that will provide you with information about our hot meal provider, Uniform provider as well as  selection of guides to support you with preparing your child with beginning their school journey.