Welcome to St. Gilbert of Sempringham C of E Primary School & Nursery......Sow Seeds: Grow Together: Reach High

School Council

Welcome to our School Council Page 
Our School Council Leader is Mr Adams
What is a School Council?
Our School Council are a group of children who have been democratically voted for and elected by their class. We meet every few weeks to share the voice of the children in our school. There are two councillors from each year group. 
Why do we have a School Council?
Our children believe it is important to have a school council so that they have a voice that can be heard. We work together to ensure our school values and Christian values are upheld in everything we do. We work hard to ensure that we are good 'neighbours' to our friends, wider community, and planet. 

Courageous Advocacy and Global Neighbours
This year, our children have decided to become 'Global Neighbours'. We are working hard to achieve our Bronze Award.

Christian Aid offer an accreditation to become a recognised Global Neighbour school. Their scheme aims to increase pupils’ understanding of the root causes of poverty and injustice, as well as engage and empower pupils as agents of change in the transformation of our world. The scheme supports  the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of pupils, strengthens the ‘promotion of fundamental British Values’, promotes critical thinking across the curriculum and strengthens links with the local community. Global Neighbours can also enhance Religious Education provision by increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding about why and how Christians, along with people of other faiths and those of no faith, want to change the world to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty where everyone can flourish.


By helping pupils to claim their voice as global citizens, participation in the scheme  helps  pupils to become active global citizens and courageous advocates for change in the world, from a local to global and international level.

Faith in Action
'The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.’ 
(Genesis 2:15)
Our School Council have wasted no time in tackling the 'big issues'. 

At our first meeting, we discussed how we could save our planet. We started small and thought about what we could do from our classrooms. We decided that recycling bins would be our first project, so our councillors set to work designing and decorating new recycling bins for each class. At the end of each week, our school councillors will collect these bins and ensure any paper waste is recycled properly.  
Spread the Word
Two of our school councillors are so passionate about recycling, they delivered their own assembly educating other children on how to recycle and why it is important.